Thursday, October 11, 2012

An introduction

Hello, friends from the internet and beyond. I know you're used to seeing our lovely faces stampede your news feed from "coffee, yoga and life's other necessities" and "Just sayin,'" but today we'd like a to announce a NEW BLOG! Don't all caps just make you feel the excitement? No? Grab a cup of coffee then. I'll wait.

Better? Okay, let's try it again. Maria and I are introducing a NEW BLOG! And guess what? You passed the excitement test. You are now one of us, and you win...

Hold on. I just lost my train of thought. Isn't that the weirdest frickin' image right there? I mean, I sure would like to see a train with a bunch of brains riding around it (to be honest right here, I google searched "train brains." No such luck).

So I'm sure y'all are at the edge of your seat, wondering what this thing is about. But before I tell you, let me just advise that you clear the clutter off your chair. You want to have enough wiggle room so your butt doesn't fall off. Just sayin'. But in all seriousness, we decided to write a blog in the form of letters to one another, similar to the vlog Brothers (Hank and John Green). Each post we'll have a new writerly topic that has been bothering us, making us wonder, making us cry, scream, etc (we've all been there). Throughout this blog we're hoping to 1) resolve some of our own struggles that have come about through battling the written word, and 2) reach out to the writing community of Pennsylvania and beyond. Sometimes the writing community can feel a bit scattered, and not that every writer in the universe is bored enough to read this blog (Tina Fey, why aren't you answering my emails, damnit??), but perhaps through each post, we can knit the group of writers a tad bit tighter.

Also, turtles are awesome.

That is all.

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